Seorang Wakil Pialang disekal dan dicabut ijinnya oleh Bappebti . Ada apa ? beberapa pertimbangan kapankah seorang dibekukan ijin wakil pialang dan jelas nomor ijin wakil pialangnya akan dicabut.
Menurut beberapa sumber seputar pelaku perdagangan berjangka bisa saja karena melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang melanggar peraturan hukum yang telah dikeluarkan oleh Bappebti. beberapa diantaranya adalah :
1. Melakukan praktek perdagangan diluar bursa. Artinya transaksi telah dilakukan diluar jam transaksi resmi dari investasi. Atau bisa saja menggunakan dana investor untuk transaksi diluar bursa yang telah disepakati.
2. Melakukan praktek-praktek perdagangan tanpa ijin.
Mungkin ada beberapa kasus lain yang sedikit berbeda yang jelas-jelas merugikan dan melanggar Undang_undang. Ini baru beberapa .. dan jika ada yang lain ... ?
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- Plan Trading Hang Seng dan Nikkei
- Raising Capital in Gray Areas by Joseph Lizio
- Markets All Over The Place by Australasian Inves...
- Stock Market Index History by Bradley A Johnson
- Global Markets To Endure More Pain In 2009 by Jo...
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Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009
Bagaimana cara terbaik perusahaan pialang berpromosi ?
Setiap perusahaan pialang mempunyai cara mempromosikan perusahaannnya dengan melalui website perusahaan. Mulai dari Trading System, Regulation On-line, Metatrader On-line, Download info, Payment Info, Technical Outlook, Agrrement, Trading Rule Via telepon, Pilihan On line trading, Injection and Withdrawal Form, Company Profile.
Bagaimana cara terbaik perusahaan pialang berpromosi ? Berikut pula selalu disertakan sejumlah link ke beberapa instansi pemerintah seperti Bappebti, KBI.
Namun saya belum melihat perkembangan baru yang seharusnya dipertimbangkan sebagai sarana investasi yang cenderung client oriented. Termasuk didalamnya adalah tidak tersedianya cukup tempat berpendapat tentang seluk beluk investasi di bidang indek hang seng , nikkei, atau kospi.
Terlebih lagi saya melihat ada beberapa kecenderungan beberapa perusahaan yang salah dalam melakukan cara perekrutan staff dan calon investor. Saya menyadari bahwa sebenarnya ada banyak media tools marketing on-line yang bisa di download di internet secara gratis bahkan berbayar yang bila dipakai akan cukup banyak membantu dari segi administrasi perekrutan data calon investor . Sebagai staff pemasaran seharusnya dibekali dengan kemampuan dalam strategi marketing on-line dimulai dari list data calon investor, cara follow up, bahkan perlu juga diajarkan bagaimana menjadikan prospek menjadi target closing.
Sungguh disesalkan bahwa semua proses kinerja marketing atau bahkan wakil pialangpun enderung manual / gaya konvensioanal seperti para marketing kebanyakan. Padahal kalau perusahaan-perusahaan perdagangan berjangka ini mengetahui cara lain yang otomatis mendatangkan list prospek otomatis dari setiap kunjungan ke website perusahaan, maka memang harus mulai dilihat peranan tools marketing on-line yang banyak disediakan on-line. Bahkan jika dikembangkan lebih lanjut bagaimana menarik pengunjung website (investor) maka bisa dikembangkan bagaimana cara menampilkan gaya marketing dengan sistem otomatis baiak dari jenis produk, simulasi, pemberian traning secara on-line seperti media YouTube yang bisa menjelaskan bagaimana menjelaskan bisnis secara profesional.
Coba saja lihat dibeberapa website besar seperti Amazon, Ebay, melakukan cara pemasaran produk melalui berbagai cara. Baik secara pre-member, seller produk atau affiliasi. Perlunya kesadaran baru dalam bisnis sekarang ini yang cenderung autoresponder dengan biaya bulanan yang $10 / bulan atau $72/ tahun seharusnya mulai dilirik oleh perusahaan-perusahaan yang cenderung memperhatikan keuntungan dan kenyamanan investor dalam mendapatkan informasi, keluhan dan kenyamanan bertransaksi.
Jika Anda berminat untuk mendalami hal ini, silahkan isi data berikut ..
Coba saja lihat dibeberapa website besar seperti Amazon, Ebay, melakukan cara pemasaran produk melalui berbagai cara. Baik secara pre-member, seller produk atau affiliasi. Perlunya kesadaran baru dalam bisnis sekarang ini yang cenderung autoresponder dengan biaya bulanan yang $10 / bulan atau $72/ tahun seharusnya mulai dilirik oleh perusahaan-perusahaan yang cenderung memperhatikan keuntungan dan kenyamanan investor dalam mendapatkan informasi, keluhan dan kenyamanan bertransaksi.
Jika Anda berminat untuk mendalami hal ini, silahkan isi data berikut ..
Plan Trading Hang Seng dan Nikkei
HANG SENG : konsilidasi antara : 12000-15000.
Peluangnya,jika Bapak Beli di harga 13000 itu adalah 15000-13000 = 2000 poin = $10.000
Resiko , jika beli di 13000 adalah : 13000-12000= 1000 poin :$5000
Dari file Kronologi Indek yang saya lampirkan disimpulkan bahwa moment konsilidasi, masih cukup kuat sampai beberapa minggu ke depan.
Jadi Kalau saya boleh sarankan saat ini itu untuk "BELI" di harga 12000 atau 13000, dan "JUAL" di harga 15000an.
Itu saran saya untuk market di HANGSENG.....
Market "NIKKEI"
Saat ini market Nikkei masih konsilidasi di range 7000-9500.
Jadi saya sarankan beli diharga 7000-7500 dan jual di harga 9500. karena Trend saat ini masih konsilidasi. (Harga masih bergerak disini-sini aja ).
Sistem Trading : Day Trade maupun Overnight
Info penting tentang Plan Trading GRATIS !! bisa diperoleh secara gratis dng mengisi form berikut
Plan Trading Hang Seng dan NikkeiPeluangnya,jika Bapak Beli di harga 13000 itu adalah 15000-13000 = 2000 poin = $10.000
Resiko , jika beli di 13000 adalah : 13000-12000= 1000 poin :$5000
Namun jika Bpk BELI di 12000 Apa Peluang Bapak 3000 poin , resikonya hanya jika fundamentalnya NEGATIF ( Ekonomi global masih buruk) Demikian juga jika sell maka bisa Sell di kisaran 15000 untuk memanfaatkan penurunannnya.
Dari file Kronologi Indek yang saya lampirkan disimpulkan bahwa moment konsilidasi, masih cukup kuat sampai beberapa minggu ke depan.
Jadi Kalau saya boleh sarankan saat ini itu untuk "BELI" di harga 12000 atau 13000, dan "JUAL" di harga 15000an.
Itu saran saya untuk market di HANGSENG.....
Market "NIKKEI"
Saat ini market Nikkei masih konsilidasi di range 7000-9500.
Jadi saya sarankan beli diharga 7000-7500 dan jual di harga 9500. karena Trend saat ini masih konsilidasi. (Harga masih bergerak disini-sini aja ).
Pengaruh Buat Nasabah : Momemn konsolidasi selalu menjadi momen yang ditunggu untuk memperoleh Profit. Kenapa ?. Hal ini merupakan harga2 dimana bila nasabah mau beli atau jual maka harga tersebut akan terjemput menjadi profit. Harga bolak-balik di area konsolidasi. Meskipun kadang sempat floating, namun akan balik profit. Dengan syarat bahwa ketahanan dana cukup untuk antisipasi floating.
Sistem Trading : Day Trade maupun Overnight
Info penting tentang Plan Trading GRATIS !! bisa diperoleh secara gratis dng mengisi form berikut
Jumat, 23 Januari 2009
Raising Capital in Gray Areas by Joseph Lizio
No matter what the market is doing this month or this quarter, there are still strong, pre-public companies looking for growth capital to expand into new markets, launch new, wanted products, or too simply increase market share.
Down markets usually close the doors for IPOs or new secondary offerings. Thus, companies poised to take the next step, going public, are forced to pull their registration and wait, or hope, for a quick turn in the economy. Globally, 83 companies pulled their IPOs and some 24 others postponed their offerings during the first quarter of this year; mostly citing declining markets and recession concerns per The New York Times.
So, what can these companies do?
Many are looking too venture capital to raise enough cash to get them through the next few months or years until the IPO windows open again. But, Venture Capital comes with many strings that could be detrimental or hindering including lost of control and dilution.
There are other ways - private placements.
According to Wikipedia, '…a private placement is an offering of securities that are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Such offerings exploit an exemption offered by the Securities Act of 1933 that comes with several restrictions, including a prohibition against general solicitation. This exemption allows companies to avoid quarterly reporting requirements and many of the legal liabilities associated with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.'
There are some caveats regarding the amounts that can be raised through private placements. Under 504, companies can raise up to $1 million in a 12-month period. Under 505, companies can raise up to $5 million in a 12-month period - with restrictions to the type and number of investors. Under 506, companies can raise any amount provided their investors meet very strict guidelines - usually institutional investors including banks and financial institutions, pension funds, and insurance companies who are still, despite declining markets, liable for hundreds of billions in capital that must be efficiently put to work.
Benefits of private placements for companies include:
- Can be used by mature companies, start-ups, or anything in between. - Much lower cost to issue than an IPO. - Little or no reporting requirements. - Limit the amount of information that a company has to disclose by limiting the number and type of investors. - Can issue debt and/or equity. - Can raise capital quickly. - Great for small issues or issues encumbered by complex security measures. And most important, - Can be sold to some of your stakeholders like your suppliers, your distributors, your retailers, or your franchisees - companies that already know you and respect your organization.
In conjunction with these private placements, the SEC has adopted Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933 that allows these securities to be traded amongst each other - provided the seller and investor are qualified institutional buyers with over $100 million in investable assets. The goal of this rule was to create liquidity for these private, restricted shares as well as foster foreign companies to seek equity in the US market.
John Jacobs, Executive Vice President of Nasdaq, stated, "The amount of capital raised last year (2006) through the 144A market - $162 billion - was bigger than all the IPOs and secondary offerings on Nasdaq, the NYSE, and Amex put together."
Further, the 144A market continues to grow as organizations like the Nasdaq are creating electronic trading platforms for these private placements. Prior to these new trading platforms, investors of these shares were extremely limited with these investments. They would typically buy and hold these securities until the investee went public.
Bottom line, if your company needs public type money but does not want to wait for the IPO markets to reopen, private placements may be the way to go. Start by talking with you CPA, your national bank, or your investment banker.
About the Author
Joseph Lizio holds and MBA in Finance and Entrepreneurship and has a strong commercial lending background. In his current venture, Mr. Lizio is the founder of - a site designed to help business owners find and obtain capital to grow their businesses
Raising Capital in Gray Areas by Joseph LizioDown markets usually close the doors for IPOs or new secondary offerings. Thus, companies poised to take the next step, going public, are forced to pull their registration and wait, or hope, for a quick turn in the economy. Globally, 83 companies pulled their IPOs and some 24 others postponed their offerings during the first quarter of this year; mostly citing declining markets and recession concerns per The New York Times.
So, what can these companies do?
Many are looking too venture capital to raise enough cash to get them through the next few months or years until the IPO windows open again. But, Venture Capital comes with many strings that could be detrimental or hindering including lost of control and dilution.
There are other ways - private placements.
According to Wikipedia, '…a private placement is an offering of securities that are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Such offerings exploit an exemption offered by the Securities Act of 1933 that comes with several restrictions, including a prohibition against general solicitation. This exemption allows companies to avoid quarterly reporting requirements and many of the legal liabilities associated with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.'
There are some caveats regarding the amounts that can be raised through private placements. Under 504, companies can raise up to $1 million in a 12-month period. Under 505, companies can raise up to $5 million in a 12-month period - with restrictions to the type and number of investors. Under 506, companies can raise any amount provided their investors meet very strict guidelines - usually institutional investors including banks and financial institutions, pension funds, and insurance companies who are still, despite declining markets, liable for hundreds of billions in capital that must be efficiently put to work.
Benefits of private placements for companies include:
- Can be used by mature companies, start-ups, or anything in between. - Much lower cost to issue than an IPO. - Little or no reporting requirements. - Limit the amount of information that a company has to disclose by limiting the number and type of investors. - Can issue debt and/or equity. - Can raise capital quickly. - Great for small issues or issues encumbered by complex security measures. And most important, - Can be sold to some of your stakeholders like your suppliers, your distributors, your retailers, or your franchisees - companies that already know you and respect your organization.
In conjunction with these private placements, the SEC has adopted Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933 that allows these securities to be traded amongst each other - provided the seller and investor are qualified institutional buyers with over $100 million in investable assets. The goal of this rule was to create liquidity for these private, restricted shares as well as foster foreign companies to seek equity in the US market.
John Jacobs, Executive Vice President of Nasdaq, stated, "The amount of capital raised last year (2006) through the 144A market - $162 billion - was bigger than all the IPOs and secondary offerings on Nasdaq, the NYSE, and Amex put together."
Further, the 144A market continues to grow as organizations like the Nasdaq are creating electronic trading platforms for these private placements. Prior to these new trading platforms, investors of these shares were extremely limited with these investments. They would typically buy and hold these securities until the investee went public.
Bottom line, if your company needs public type money but does not want to wait for the IPO markets to reopen, private placements may be the way to go. Start by talking with you CPA, your national bank, or your investment banker.
About the Author
Joseph Lizio holds and MBA in Finance and Entrepreneurship and has a strong commercial lending background. In his current venture, Mr. Lizio is the founder of - a site designed to help business owners find and obtain capital to grow their businesses
Minggu, 18 Januari 2009
Markets All Over The Place by Australasian Investment Review
A bad day for shares again.But did we see a steadying emerge in late US trading?
After bouncing all over the place and mostly in the red, the US markets looked like closing with a small gain, but anther late burst of selling saw the major indexes end off up to 2% or so.
The Dow fell 190 points, or 2%, the Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 1.1% and Nasdaq dropped lost 0.8%.
The major indexes again swung wildly throughout the session, with the Dow down as much as 252 points and up as much as 180.
The Dow's fall was also due to the weakness in Alcoa which reported a 52% slump in third quarter earnings the night before. Alcoa fell 13%.
Gold rose, then eased, but was still up, copper and oil weakened and some grains were firmer in Chicago.Gold was up $US27 an ounce to around $US909 in New York.
Our market was looking to start higher, but the late drop on Wall Street pushed the futures market down by 12 points.
The co-ordinated interest rate cuts from the Fed, the ECB, the Swiss, Swedish, Canadian and the UK central banks helped: the 0.50% drop in each case was dramatic, but emphasised the forcefulness of our 1% cut from the RBA which has put Australia firmly ahead of the policy curve.
China wasn't a part of the deal, but trimmed its key rate by 0.27% in a surprise move.
European markets were down sharply last night with falls of 3% to 5% common for another day. Japan fell more than 9% and other Asian markets were off more than 5%. Hong Kong's Hang Seng dropped 8.2% in an example of near panic trading, just like Tokyo.
London was very weak on the looming bailout fund announcement for the country's banks from the UK Government. London's FTSE 100 fell nearly 8% early on as investors were unconvinced about the bailout package.
Europe's Stoxx 600 Index was off 6% taking its loss this week so far to 13%. But the selling eased and it recovered from being down almost 8% atone stage.
The London FTSE 100 index of leading shares shed 5.2% after the bank bailout plan was announced, while in Paris the CAC 40 fell 6.4%.
Frankfurt's DAX lost 5.8%, the Swiss market shed 5.5% and 5.2% in Madrid after the Government there revealed a bailout plan. Milan fell 5.7% after it was suggested the country's banks needed to raise more capital.
The MSCI Asia Pacific Index fell 7.4% with Tokyo's Nikkei off 9.4%, the biggest drop since October 1987. Australia lost 5% or more, Indonesia shut after a 10% fall and Hong Kong's Hang Seng fell to a fresh 2 year low despite an effective rate cut.
The Index is now off more than 42% this year
In Europe Russia's market was again closed after the main index fell more than 10%. The main US dollar index was off 14% when trading stopped. trading was also halted in the Ukraine and in Rumania.
The euphoria of Australia's rate cut on Tuesday was swamped after Wall Street fell more than 5% in a miserable day's trading that extended across the region.
Oil was easier, down by more than $US4 to just over $US86 a barrel, a 10 month low; copper lost ground to around $US2.49 a pound and gold edged up $US4 to trade around $US886 in Europe last night.
The Indonesian market was halted when the main index fell more than 10%. Jakarta's main index has tumbled 21% in the past week; the biggest drop in 25 years. Brazil's market was at two year lows. It's down 22% in the past five days.
The Nikkei plunged 9.4%, its biggest one-day drop since the 1987 stock market crash, as fear spread of a global recession, fuelled by expectations of a slide in profits at Toyota and the rapidly firming yen.
Volkswagen this week moved past a falling toyota to become the world's biggest car maker by market value. Volkswagen is subject to takeover speculation in Germany.
Tokyo brokers said that panic over the fast-spreading financial crisis dragged down markets across the region and in Japan the Nikkei set another five-year closing low.
The Hang Seng slumped 5.5% despite Hong Kong's monetary authority cutting interest rates to keep the credit crisis from spreading.
India's Sensex Index fell 3.1%; China's CSI 300 lost 3.8% and South Korea's Kospi lost 5.8% to the lowest since July 2006.
Australia's ASX 200 Index declined more than 5% as building approvals declined for a seventh month and consumer confidence fell. Alumina, an associate of Alcoa, lost ground after partner Alcoa reported a 52% drop in earnings. Alumina shares closed down 16% at $A2.50.
It was Australia's second-worst day of the year, closing down 5%, wiping out all of Tuesday's Reserve Bank-inspired rally and adding more than 3% in losses for good measure.
It was also the lowest close in three years for the stockmarket, while the Aussie dollar also plunged, hitting a low of well under 68 US cents (67.49 US cents in local trading)
The ASX200 index closed 230.6 points, or 5%, lower at 4388.1. The fall was second only to January 22's 7.1% hammering.
Among the banks, the ANZ Bank lost 6.3%, or $1.15, to $17.00, while NAB shed $1.65, or 6.4%, to $24.35.
Westpac dropped 6.9% or $1.60, to $21.67. The Commonwealth was in a trading halt after announcing it would pay $2.1 billion for BankWest, raising some $2 billion from institutional investors. St George lost 7.4%, or $2.24, to $28.12 and Suncorp shed 8.1%, or 89 cents, to $10.11.
Macquarie Group shares lost 9.2%, or $3.30, to $32.50 and Babcock and Brown fell 20%, or 25.5 cents, to $1.05.
Mining companies were again savaged as investors ignored the impact of a falling Australian dollar to focus on the worsening commodity prices and diminishing prospects for global economic growth.
BHP Billiton lost 5.7%, or $1.80, to $29.90, while its takeover target, Rio Tinto dropped 7.6%, or $6.65, to $81.12.
IMPORTANT: AIR reports about financial markets and investment products in the widest sense possible. The AIR website and all its contents is prepared for general information only, and as such, the specific needs, investment objectives or financial situation of any particular user have not been taken into consideration. Individuals should therefore talk with their financial planner or advisor before making any investment decisions.
About the Author
Australasian Investment Review (AIR) is a free daily news service covering global financial markets with a focus on Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Subscriptions are free at
Markets All Over The Place by Australasian Investment ReviewAfter bouncing all over the place and mostly in the red, the US markets looked like closing with a small gain, but anther late burst of selling saw the major indexes end off up to 2% or so.
The Dow fell 190 points, or 2%, the Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 1.1% and Nasdaq dropped lost 0.8%.
The major indexes again swung wildly throughout the session, with the Dow down as much as 252 points and up as much as 180.
The Dow's fall was also due to the weakness in Alcoa which reported a 52% slump in third quarter earnings the night before. Alcoa fell 13%.
Gold rose, then eased, but was still up, copper and oil weakened and some grains were firmer in Chicago.Gold was up $US27 an ounce to around $US909 in New York.
Our market was looking to start higher, but the late drop on Wall Street pushed the futures market down by 12 points.
The co-ordinated interest rate cuts from the Fed, the ECB, the Swiss, Swedish, Canadian and the UK central banks helped: the 0.50% drop in each case was dramatic, but emphasised the forcefulness of our 1% cut from the RBA which has put Australia firmly ahead of the policy curve.
China wasn't a part of the deal, but trimmed its key rate by 0.27% in a surprise move.
European markets were down sharply last night with falls of 3% to 5% common for another day. Japan fell more than 9% and other Asian markets were off more than 5%. Hong Kong's Hang Seng dropped 8.2% in an example of near panic trading, just like Tokyo.
London was very weak on the looming bailout fund announcement for the country's banks from the UK Government. London's FTSE 100 fell nearly 8% early on as investors were unconvinced about the bailout package.
Europe's Stoxx 600 Index was off 6% taking its loss this week so far to 13%. But the selling eased and it recovered from being down almost 8% atone stage.
The London FTSE 100 index of leading shares shed 5.2% after the bank bailout plan was announced, while in Paris the CAC 40 fell 6.4%.
Frankfurt's DAX lost 5.8%, the Swiss market shed 5.5% and 5.2% in Madrid after the Government there revealed a bailout plan. Milan fell 5.7% after it was suggested the country's banks needed to raise more capital.
The MSCI Asia Pacific Index fell 7.4% with Tokyo's Nikkei off 9.4%, the biggest drop since October 1987. Australia lost 5% or more, Indonesia shut after a 10% fall and Hong Kong's Hang Seng fell to a fresh 2 year low despite an effective rate cut.
The Index is now off more than 42% this year
In Europe Russia's market was again closed after the main index fell more than 10%. The main US dollar index was off 14% when trading stopped. trading was also halted in the Ukraine and in Rumania.
The euphoria of Australia's rate cut on Tuesday was swamped after Wall Street fell more than 5% in a miserable day's trading that extended across the region.
Oil was easier, down by more than $US4 to just over $US86 a barrel, a 10 month low; copper lost ground to around $US2.49 a pound and gold edged up $US4 to trade around $US886 in Europe last night.
The Indonesian market was halted when the main index fell more than 10%. Jakarta's main index has tumbled 21% in the past week; the biggest drop in 25 years. Brazil's market was at two year lows. It's down 22% in the past five days.
The Nikkei plunged 9.4%, its biggest one-day drop since the 1987 stock market crash, as fear spread of a global recession, fuelled by expectations of a slide in profits at Toyota and the rapidly firming yen.
Volkswagen this week moved past a falling toyota to become the world's biggest car maker by market value. Volkswagen is subject to takeover speculation in Germany.
Tokyo brokers said that panic over the fast-spreading financial crisis dragged down markets across the region and in Japan the Nikkei set another five-year closing low.
The Hang Seng slumped 5.5% despite Hong Kong's monetary authority cutting interest rates to keep the credit crisis from spreading.
India's Sensex Index fell 3.1%; China's CSI 300 lost 3.8% and South Korea's Kospi lost 5.8% to the lowest since July 2006.
Australia's ASX 200 Index declined more than 5% as building approvals declined for a seventh month and consumer confidence fell. Alumina, an associate of Alcoa, lost ground after partner Alcoa reported a 52% drop in earnings. Alumina shares closed down 16% at $A2.50.
It was Australia's second-worst day of the year, closing down 5%, wiping out all of Tuesday's Reserve Bank-inspired rally and adding more than 3% in losses for good measure.
It was also the lowest close in three years for the stockmarket, while the Aussie dollar also plunged, hitting a low of well under 68 US cents (67.49 US cents in local trading)
The ASX200 index closed 230.6 points, or 5%, lower at 4388.1. The fall was second only to January 22's 7.1% hammering.
Among the banks, the ANZ Bank lost 6.3%, or $1.15, to $17.00, while NAB shed $1.65, or 6.4%, to $24.35.
Westpac dropped 6.9% or $1.60, to $21.67. The Commonwealth was in a trading halt after announcing it would pay $2.1 billion for BankWest, raising some $2 billion from institutional investors. St George lost 7.4%, or $2.24, to $28.12 and Suncorp shed 8.1%, or 89 cents, to $10.11.
Macquarie Group shares lost 9.2%, or $3.30, to $32.50 and Babcock and Brown fell 20%, or 25.5 cents, to $1.05.
Mining companies were again savaged as investors ignored the impact of a falling Australian dollar to focus on the worsening commodity prices and diminishing prospects for global economic growth.
BHP Billiton lost 5.7%, or $1.80, to $29.90, while its takeover target, Rio Tinto dropped 7.6%, or $6.65, to $81.12.
IMPORTANT: AIR reports about financial markets and investment products in the widest sense possible. The AIR website and all its contents is prepared for general information only, and as such, the specific needs, investment objectives or financial situation of any particular user have not been taken into consideration. Individuals should therefore talk with their financial planner or advisor before making any investment decisions.
About the Author
Australasian Investment Review (AIR) is a free daily news service covering global financial markets with a focus on Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Subscriptions are free at
Stock Market Index History by Bradley A Johnson
Stock market indices play an important role in gauging the economic health and progress of a country. Oftentimes someone will say "the stock market is up" or "down" but that is not necessarily a meaningful statement. Understanding how stock market indices are calculated and their history can be very instrumental in understanding the stock market as a whole.
The Origin Of The Stock Market Index
As stock markets became more and more prevalent in industrialized countries, people began to look for a "barometer" of the stock market as a whole. The very first stock market index was the Dow Jones Transportation Average, which was created by Charles Dow in 1884. It was followed shortly thereafter by many more indexes like the Dow Jones Industrial Average which, in a very modified form, is still widely publicized and followed today.
How Indices Are Calculated
A stock market index is generally calculated by combining a weighted average of a set of particular stocks. For example, in the case of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 30 stocks are weighted by price to get a measurement of the market as a whole. It should be noted that all indices are somewhat arbitrary and are more useful as indicators of relative and historical growth rather than a raw number. Additionally, in many indices stocks often times are added or removed due to bankruptcies or simply becoming less relevant than another stock. Most recently Kraft Foods replace AIG in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Popular Stock Indices
The most popularly referenced American stock market indices are:
The Dow Jones Industrial Average - These are 30 of the largest American stocks.
The S&P 500 - The 500 large actively traded US stocks.
The NASDAQ Composite - An index of all the common stocks on the NASDAQ exchange.
Foreign Stock Indexes:
Other countries of course have their own stock markets and thus their own averages to use to measure them. Britain has the FTSE (pronounced like "Footsie") which is very similar to Americas S&P. Japan has their Nikkei average. Hong Kong has the Hang Seng. There are of course many more.
About the Author
Education is the key to success in the stock market. Arm yourself at Investing First Steps where you can learn all about investing including, how to start investing in the stock market.
Stock Market Index History by Bradley A JohnsonThe Origin Of The Stock Market Index
As stock markets became more and more prevalent in industrialized countries, people began to look for a "barometer" of the stock market as a whole. The very first stock market index was the Dow Jones Transportation Average, which was created by Charles Dow in 1884. It was followed shortly thereafter by many more indexes like the Dow Jones Industrial Average which, in a very modified form, is still widely publicized and followed today.
How Indices Are Calculated
A stock market index is generally calculated by combining a weighted average of a set of particular stocks. For example, in the case of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 30 stocks are weighted by price to get a measurement of the market as a whole. It should be noted that all indices are somewhat arbitrary and are more useful as indicators of relative and historical growth rather than a raw number. Additionally, in many indices stocks often times are added or removed due to bankruptcies or simply becoming less relevant than another stock. Most recently Kraft Foods replace AIG in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Popular Stock Indices
The most popularly referenced American stock market indices are:
The Dow Jones Industrial Average - These are 30 of the largest American stocks.
The S&P 500 - The 500 large actively traded US stocks.
The NASDAQ Composite - An index of all the common stocks on the NASDAQ exchange.
Foreign Stock Indexes:
Other countries of course have their own stock markets and thus their own averages to use to measure them. Britain has the FTSE (pronounced like "Footsie") which is very similar to Americas S&P. Japan has their Nikkei average. Hong Kong has the Hang Seng. There are of course many more.
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Education is the key to success in the stock market. Arm yourself at Investing First Steps where you can learn all about investing including, how to start investing in the stock market.
Global Markets To Endure More Pain In 2009 by John S
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whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.
Global Markets To Endure More Pain In 2009 by John S
A record $14 trillion (£9.7tn) has been wiped off world share values in 2008 as many stockmarkets around the world suffered their worst 12 months on record.
As we enter 2009 things are not looking up, regardless of what bad advice you are getting from you broker or the selection of idiot financial analysts out there.
Turmoil in the financial system and the worst global recession since the 1970s have sent shares reeling. Global stocks, as measured by the MSCI index, have fallen by a record 44% over the year.
In London, the FTSE 100 index lost 31.3% in 2008, its worst annual decline since it was created in 1984, and following a 3.8% gain in 2007. It edged up 0.94% to 4434.17 on the last trading day of the year, a gain of 41.49 points. Banks, at the centre of the financial storm, were among the biggest losers ranging from HBOS, Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB to Barclays. Mining companies Kazakhmys, Xstrata and Rio Tinto also fared badly as the economy worsened.
Drugmakers AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline were among the best-performing stocks on the FTSE. British Energy was another big gainer, up more than 40% in a year in which the government secured the sale of its stake in the nuclear power firm to French energy giant EDF.
David Buik at BGC Partners talked of an "annus horribilis by any standards".
It started with the Northern Rock nationalisation, and got progressively worse. In March, US investment house Bear Stearns became the first major bank to be rescued from collapse and by the autumn scores of banks around the world had gone under - notably Lehman Brothers - or been bailed out. Lending between banks ground to a halt, triggering more government interventions, and most major economies slid into recession.
Sterling has also had its worst year against the euro since the single currency started life almost a decade ago. The pound staged a rally on the last day of the year, rising 2% to 95.44p versus the euro. But analysts say there was nothing to prevent further losses that could take the pair to parity, with UK interest rates set to fall close to zero in the new year from 2% now - far below rates in the eurozone, currently at 2.5%.
Against the dollar, the pound has lost nearly 27% over the year, the sharpest drop since the gold standard monetary system was abolished in 1971. It traded around $1.4605 today.
Oil dropped to $37 a barrel, heading for its worst year ever with a slump of more than 60%.
Last night, Wall Street took heart from Washington's expanded bail-out of the embattled auto sector, with the Dow Jones industrial average closing up 2.2%. The Dow is off nearly 35% so far this year.
The mainland European bourses that opened for a half day drifted marginally upwards but still registered their worst yearly losses for decades. The CAC-40 in Paris notched up a decline of 43%, the worst run in its 20-year history. Germany's Dax-30 closed down 40.4% yesterday while Italy's MIB-30 was off 48.5% and Spain's Ibex-35 down 47.5%.
The worst-performing stockmarket over the year was Russia's, where the benchmark RTS index plunged by 72%. Second worst hit was China's benchmark Shanghai composite index, which plummeted 65% - its largest-ever annual drop - after soaring more than 300% over 2006 and 2007.
"China's economy is obviously at a turning point. There are too many uncertainties, and past huge losses have made investors increasingly cautious," said Cheng Weiqing, an analyst at Citic Securities in Beijing.
Many investors are hoping for a better year in 2009, taking heart from the stock gains seen during December. "If there's any optimism, it's on the basis that stockmarkets recover in recessions," said "Now we have the real recession, rather than the phoney recession. Last year we were so optimistic that we were fooling ourselves. It's gone too far the other way."
Buik said the outlook for the UK was mixed. "With the dole queue likely to increase to 2.5 million by the end of May 2009, and with corporate profits in the next quarter likely to fall by 15% and with the housing market continuing to retrench, the immediate outlook for equities is unappetising," he said. "However, with many companies still paying reasonable dividends, the UK stockmarket should rally strongly in the second half of the year with the FTSE ending at 5000, as the UK attempts to dig itself out of recession."
Across Asia, stocks suffered record falls over the year, a painful change from its once-booming markets. In Tokyo, the benchmark Nikkei closed for the year yesterday having recorded the biggest annual percentage loss in its 58-year history. Modest gains in December - the first since May - did little to mitigate a yearly loss of 42% after the world's second-largest economy sank into recession.
In Hong Kong, also in recession, the Hang Seng index ended the year 48% lower, its worst annual drop since the global oil shock of the early 1970s. India's main index in Mumbai plummeted by 52%.
The South African stock exchange lost 27% this year and the rand slipped almost 30%
To expect the best in 2009 is just being unrealistic.
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For More Important Updates & Predictions Regarding The Economy Please Visit Our YOUTUBE Channel ==>
Global Markets To Endure More Pain In 2009 by John Swhereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.
Global Markets To Endure More Pain In 2009 by John S
A record $14 trillion (£9.7tn) has been wiped off world share values in 2008 as many stockmarkets around the world suffered their worst 12 months on record.
As we enter 2009 things are not looking up, regardless of what bad advice you are getting from you broker or the selection of idiot financial analysts out there.
Turmoil in the financial system and the worst global recession since the 1970s have sent shares reeling. Global stocks, as measured by the MSCI index, have fallen by a record 44% over the year.
In London, the FTSE 100 index lost 31.3% in 2008, its worst annual decline since it was created in 1984, and following a 3.8% gain in 2007. It edged up 0.94% to 4434.17 on the last trading day of the year, a gain of 41.49 points. Banks, at the centre of the financial storm, were among the biggest losers ranging from HBOS, Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB to Barclays. Mining companies Kazakhmys, Xstrata and Rio Tinto also fared badly as the economy worsened.
Drugmakers AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline were among the best-performing stocks on the FTSE. British Energy was another big gainer, up more than 40% in a year in which the government secured the sale of its stake in the nuclear power firm to French energy giant EDF.
David Buik at BGC Partners talked of an "annus horribilis by any standards".
It started with the Northern Rock nationalisation, and got progressively worse. In March, US investment house Bear Stearns became the first major bank to be rescued from collapse and by the autumn scores of banks around the world had gone under - notably Lehman Brothers - or been bailed out. Lending between banks ground to a halt, triggering more government interventions, and most major economies slid into recession.
Sterling has also had its worst year against the euro since the single currency started life almost a decade ago. The pound staged a rally on the last day of the year, rising 2% to 95.44p versus the euro. But analysts say there was nothing to prevent further losses that could take the pair to parity, with UK interest rates set to fall close to zero in the new year from 2% now - far below rates in the eurozone, currently at 2.5%.
Against the dollar, the pound has lost nearly 27% over the year, the sharpest drop since the gold standard monetary system was abolished in 1971. It traded around $1.4605 today.
Oil dropped to $37 a barrel, heading for its worst year ever with a slump of more than 60%.
Last night, Wall Street took heart from Washington's expanded bail-out of the embattled auto sector, with the Dow Jones industrial average closing up 2.2%. The Dow is off nearly 35% so far this year.
The mainland European bourses that opened for a half day drifted marginally upwards but still registered their worst yearly losses for decades. The CAC-40 in Paris notched up a decline of 43%, the worst run in its 20-year history. Germany's Dax-30 closed down 40.4% yesterday while Italy's MIB-30 was off 48.5% and Spain's Ibex-35 down 47.5%.
The worst-performing stockmarket over the year was Russia's, where the benchmark RTS index plunged by 72%. Second worst hit was China's benchmark Shanghai composite index, which plummeted 65% - its largest-ever annual drop - after soaring more than 300% over 2006 and 2007.
"China's economy is obviously at a turning point. There are too many uncertainties, and past huge losses have made investors increasingly cautious," said Cheng Weiqing, an analyst at Citic Securities in Beijing.
Many investors are hoping for a better year in 2009, taking heart from the stock gains seen during December. "If there's any optimism, it's on the basis that stockmarkets recover in recessions," said "Now we have the real recession, rather than the phoney recession. Last year we were so optimistic that we were fooling ourselves. It's gone too far the other way."
Buik said the outlook for the UK was mixed. "With the dole queue likely to increase to 2.5 million by the end of May 2009, and with corporate profits in the next quarter likely to fall by 15% and with the housing market continuing to retrench, the immediate outlook for equities is unappetising," he said. "However, with many companies still paying reasonable dividends, the UK stockmarket should rally strongly in the second half of the year with the FTSE ending at 5000, as the UK attempts to dig itself out of recession."
Across Asia, stocks suffered record falls over the year, a painful change from its once-booming markets. In Tokyo, the benchmark Nikkei closed for the year yesterday having recorded the biggest annual percentage loss in its 58-year history. Modest gains in December - the first since May - did little to mitigate a yearly loss of 42% after the world's second-largest economy sank into recession.
In Hong Kong, also in recession, the Hang Seng index ended the year 48% lower, its worst annual drop since the global oil shock of the early 1970s. India's main index in Mumbai plummeted by 52%.
The South African stock exchange lost 27% this year and the rand slipped almost 30%
To expect the best in 2009 is just being unrealistic.
About the Author
For More Important Updates & Predictions Regarding The Economy Please Visit Our YOUTUBE Channel ==>
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